
Courses as a basis for an exciting collaboration with Chalmers.


Generic and Transferable Skills (GTS) at Chalmers supports and prepares young scientists for a future career both in and outside of the academic world. The courses provided in GTS will develop the participants’ skills in communication, networking, pedagogy, and management. ”Applied Project Management” is one of the courses in GTS, providing participants with a foundation for how to plan both scientific projects and business projects, increasing their employability in a knowledge centred world.

Time frame

Our current collaboration started in 2013 and is still on-going.

Our contribution

Wenell continuously carry out courses in project methodology related to the GTS programme.

Apart from these courses, we have also carried out tailor-made efforts for both organisational units and project organisations at Chalmers.

More information

If you want to know more about our collaboration with Chalmers please contact our consultant Tommy Olin.

Contact Tommy

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