Project Inspiration (Projektnäring in Swedish) is a meeting place for everyone who wants to develop in professional project work and network with other project professionals. Project Inspiration started in the autumn of 2011 and a spring and autumn meet-up is arranged each year. The network grows continuously, reaching over 250 attendees during our last meet-up.

Every meet-up features two inspiring lecturers providing you with new and challenging perspectives on project management and leadership, giving you the chance to develop in your role. Through our collaboration with Svenska Project Academy they also appoint the Project Manager of the Year in Sweden at the autumn meet-up. You can get some of the winner’s experience, lessons learned and keys to success.

Project Inspiration is an independent and non-profit venture for skills development and aims to develop project managers. Any surplus goes into coming meet-ups and participants get the opportunity to influence the direction of future meet-ups.

Below you will find all the videos we have made with exciting speakers at Project Inspiration over the years. We hope they will inspire you in your ventures as a project manager.

More information about Project Inspiration and the next meet-up here

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