
Uses the deliverables resulting from an assignment.

The Customer/user:

  • Describes and communicates their requirements and background.
  • Describes and communicates other expectations, for example how information exchange should take place.
  • Monitors and gives feedback throughout the assignment.
  • Carries out reviews and tests on deliverables/part-deliverables, to ensure that specifications have been met.

The Customer only:

  • Communicates delivery/acceptance criteria and takes delivery.
  • Receives, checks and signs off the deliverables.
  • Assesses likelihood of achieving customer business objectives.

The customer/user has the difficult job of being clear about requirements in what is often an unclear reality. Needs to discuss with the assignment manager how to deal with questions to which there are no clear answers at the start, and how to deal with future changes. Iterative development and making successive deliveries will help in this respect. In those cases where the customer is not clearly defined, or accessible, an internal representative is nominate.

A high level of trust between the customer/user and assignment manager will make things easier. Strive to establish a good dialogue early on. This is just as important in the relationship between the assignment sponsor and the customer/user’s Business Manager.

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