Leading in Uncertain and Complex Projects

A book by Lars Marmgren and Mats Ragnarsson.

Leading in Uncertain and Complex Projects

Supporting Structures for Self-Management Command and control mechanisms are often inefficient and sub­optimal in the context of complex projects. This book demonstrates an alternative project logic that builds on the definitions of a frame­work, and overall guidelines, rather than instructions or a pre­defined set of procedures and processes. This logic also entails a leadership philosophy that promotes co­operation as well as an ability to deal with the unexpected.

The book is based on interviews with leaders from various contexts and a documented ability to deal with uncertainty and complexity. The authors conclude that leaders’ success is closely tied to the creation of a game plan. This game plan makes it possible for those carrying out work to self­manage – use their own judgement and competence – while striving towards common objectives.

‘Winners of “Project Management Book of the Year, 2014 ”,  awarded by the Swedish ProjektForum’

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