Oskar Aazar and Simon Gamdrup: “Managing multiple project management information systems: A case study of a Swedish manufacturing company.”
The Swedish Project Academy’s essay prize for 2024 is awarded to Oskar Aazar and Simon Gamdrup from the Royal Institute of Technology, for their thesis in Industrial Economics and Organization titled “Managing multiple project management information systems: A case study of a Swedish manufacturing company.”
The thesis addresses information systems in project management contexts, focusing on the implications of implementing multiple such systems simultaneously within a company. The study’s results indicate that the presence of multiple information systems poses several challenges, such as inconsistent data, duplication of work, negative impact on user experience, and difficulties in managing the complexity of the system environment. Additionally, the study identifies several potential benefits, such as increased functional flexibility, adaptability, and improved monitoring of project progress. The authors recommend that organizations carefully consider their project management system strategy regarding the integration of different systems, and that project teams need to be trained to use the systems as intended.
The study is highly relevant to project management as both a practical and theoretical field. It is ambitiously structured around an in-depth case study and is well-grounded in current research in the field. The thesis is well-written and maintains a high standard throughout all its parts.