Special interests
- Collaboration, management, and uncertainty, which for instance resulted in the book: “Leading in Uncertain and Complex Projects”
- Change Management
- Successful Project Client Behavior
Mats works both on education as a qualified consultant for Wenell’s clients and on developing the ability of organisations to run projects by working together with management groups, project teams, project managers, and employees. Focusing on uncertainty, Mats uses workshops to show how you can manage projects and organisations where uncertainty levels are high.
He is actively involved in Wenell’s development work and has a large personal network of researchers in the project field. Customizing project design to the specific operation, staff, opportunities, and challenges of a client is one of Mats’ “usual” tasks.
Mats has 30 years of experience in project management. He spent 11 years as project manager in product development for all kinds of projects, ranging from small projects to large and complex projects involving more than 350 people. The remaining 19 years have been spent as a consultant for Wenell Management, where he has worked on international assignments for SKF and AstraZeneca. He is a coordinator for the research committee at the Swedish Project Academy, an academy that stimulates research and awards the Project Manager of the Year in Sweden.
Read more about the Academy here
Mats also has a history as a reserve officer in the Swedish Navy and is very interested in the ocean and boating.
Leading in Uncertain and Complex Projects
– Supporting structures for self-management
(Mats Ragnarsson och Lars Marmgren)
Organizing Projects
– From a mechanical to an organic perspective
(Mats Ragnarsson och Lars Marmgren)